Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 27 gathering

·         Review of last month’s decisions
·         Treasurer’s report
·         Hospitality planning
·         Educational session
o   Preparing fabric
o   Quarter inch seams
o   Quilting terms
o   Setting the educational agenda
§  Block of the month
·         Show and tell: current projects
Attendance: Alora, Joyce, Laurel, Evelyn, Narda, Adrienne, Carol, Cherry.
·        The meeting was called to order at 1:30
·        Evelyn shared information on quilt shops in the area with good information on quality, volume, cost and facilities
·        There was a general discussion of essential tools which included: rotary cutter, self healing mat, 12’’ and 5” squares,  6” by 24” ruler, seam ripper, good quality thread (including Sulky, Gutterman, Connecting Threads), steam iron, fine straight pins, tailor chalk or pencil, quilting needles for the machine with sharp point and a good guide book.
·        We conducted show and tell of antique quilts as well as contemporary quilts.
·        The presentation on layering back, batting and top was deferred
·        Organizational discussion
o   Agreement that the primary purpose of the group was to teach and learn quilting techniques and to fellowship among interesting group of women. Among the things suggested were learning the basics, terminology and exchange of information about show and other related activities
o   There was agreement that we needed to have officers but that we wanted the group to be informal without a lot of rules and by laws
o   The group wanted to meet in community spaces rather than homes and agreed to try to make the Kline Village Library the primary site for our meetings.
o   Dues were established at $24 per year for adults and $12 per year for person under the age of 18.  Year 2010 dues will be due April 1st.
o   The following officers volunteered to serve two year terms:
§  Convener: Carol
§  Co-convener: Evelyn
§  Treasure: Joyce (Note: $ 25 was handed over to Joyce from the money collected at the November meeting and Joyce was authorized to open an account.)
§  Secretary/ Historian: Laurel
§  Hospitality: Alora
o   There was agreement that our activities should evolve but some of the ideas discussed were: shop hops, guest speakers, trunk shows, making quilt to raffle for charity, and making a quilt for the library.
o   The group discussed the name and decided to change the name to:  African American Quilters Gathering.
·        Announcements
o   The next meeting will be March 20th at the Kline Village Library from 1-4 PM.
The meeting was moved from the 27 th accommodate members who will be attending a quilt retreat that weekend
o   Note of appreciation:  Bobbie, Adrienne, Gloria, Evelyn and Narda provided great refreshments. Thanks so much!

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